Call Your Senator: Demand They Support S.1 the "For the People Act"
The American people are tired of a government that serves only the wealthy and corporate interests. We’ve seen how our democracy and the power of the American people have continued to diminish each and every day.
If Americans are ever going to see progress on the policy issues we care about, we must have a democracy that responds to the needs and priorities of voters – not wealthy donors and corporate interests.
The House just passed the bill and now, in order to fix and strengthen our Democracy, the Senate must pass the For the People Act.
If passed, the For the People Act would get big money out of politics, restore voting rights and offer new protections for voters, end gerrymandering so that electoral districts are fairly drawn, and hold government officials accountable with new ethics standards.
Call your Senator TODAY to urge them to support the For the People Act as a first order of business in the new Congress, and to thank them if they’ve supported the bill in the past.