Immigrant Leader: Trump Cannot Denounce White Supremacy Because He Embodies It  

Last night, Donald Trump refused to denounce white supremacists in the first 2020 presidential debate against Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Responding to his actions, New American Leaders Action Fund Founder and President Sayu Bhojwani released the following statement: 

“I was wholly unsurprised to see Donald Trump refuse to denounce white supremacists last night during the first presidential debate, because he is one himself. We’ve seen this time and again through his words and actions. We knew this when a woman was killed by neo-Nazis at the peaceful protests in Charlottesville and he said that there ‘were very fine people on both sides.’ He mobilized and emboldened white supremacist groups then, and he mobilized them again last night with his dog whistle to the Proud Boys to “stand by.” White supremacists and the political party that embodies what they stand for have no place in this country, and American voters will prove that this November.” 

“We are standing up as voters and candidates to ensure our communities can live without fear. New leadership that unites and protects our most vulnerable is needed now. When the ballots are counted in November, we will show that it’s possible for America to become a place where we can all be free.”